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Instruction Guide for Configuring the Fuel System:

Open the configuration file for the fuel system.

The first setting is 'standalone' which is set to 'false' by default. If you're using ND Framework, keep this setting as false.

'jerryCanPrice' sets the price of a jerry can that can be purchased from a gas station. Change this value as desired.

'jerryCanrefillCost' sets the cost of refilling a jerry can. The price will be calculated and adjusted based on how much fuel is left in the can.

'fuelCostMultiplier' sets the cost of fuel. The default value is 1.0, which means the cost will remain unchanged. To increase or decrease the price of fuel, you can change this value to any number greater or less than 1.0.

The 'vehicleClasses' section sets the fuel consumption rate for different types of vehicles. The default values are set for each class, but you can adjust them as desired. For example, to make SUVs use less fuel, you can change their multiplier to a value less than 1.0.

The 'electricVehicles' section lists all electric vehicles that are not affected by the fuel cost multiplier. Add or remove vehicles as desired.

The 'blipLocations' section sets the locations of gas station pumps on the map. You can add or remove pump locations as desired.

The 'pumpModels' section lists the different pump models available in the fuel system. You can add or remove pump models as desired.

Save the configuration file after making all necessary changes.

Note: Some of the settings, like the 'blipLocations' and 'pumpModels' sections, may be used in the code of the fuel system and changing them may require additional changes in the code to ensure proper functioning.



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